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Viewing 211-220 of 230 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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United States Department Of Veteran Affairs Veteran Crisis Line

This hotline connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat and text services; the line is operational 24 hours to assist Veterans, Military Servicemembers, National Guard and Reserve at any time.

Services: Veteran/Military Hotlines

619 South Marion Avenue

Lake City, FL 32025

(800) 273-8255 x1

United States Department Of Veterans Affairs Homeless Assistance

Assists Veterans who are homeless or at risk for homelessness by preserving their current housing or securing alternative housing.

Services: Homeless Diversion Programs, Veteran Employment Programs, Veteran/Military Hotlines

810 Vermont Avenue, Northwest

Washington, DC 20420

(877) 424-3838

United States Department Of Veterans Affairs Jacksonville Vet Center

Provides a wide range of social and psychological services, which includes professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, National Guard and Reserve components, and their families.

Services: Community Mental Health Agencies, Mental Health Related Support Groups, Peer Mental Health Support Services, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran Education Benefits, Veteran Employment Programs, Veteran Home Loans, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Veteran Support Groups

3728 Phillps Highway, Suite 31

Jacksonville, FL 32207

(904) 399-8351

United States Department Of Veterans Affairs Veteran Call Center

Provides support, information, and guidance for Veterans who have emotional problems stemming from service-related experiences, or who have separated from the military and are experiencing difficulty adjusting to their civilian status.

Services: Veteran/Military Hotlines

3728 Phillips Highway, Suite 31

Jacksonville, FL 32207

(877) 927-8387

United Way Of Northeast Florida Achievers For Life

This is a school-based dropout prevention and academic intervention program which can lead to improved performance in the areas of academic achievement, attendance, and discipline.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Dropout Prevention

40 East Adams Street, Suite 200

Jacksonville, FL 32202

(904) 390-4004

Volunteers In Medicine Jacksonville

Provides routine health care provided by family medicine specialists and other health care providers who serve as the first point of contact with the health care system.

Services: Eye Examinations, General Counseling Services, General Dentistry, General Medical Care, Glasses/Contact Lenses

3728 Philips Highway, Suite 34

Jacksonville, FL 32207

(904) 399-2766

Volunteers Of America Jacksonville

They provide alternative living arrangement for individuals who because of disability, substance abuse, mental illness, chronic homelessness or other circumstances are unable to live independently.

Services: Substance Use Disorder Intervention Programs, Supportive Housing Placement/Referral, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Veterans Choice Program, Vocational Rehabilitation

716 Church Street West

Jacksonville, FL 32202

(904) 239-5779

Way Free Medical Clinic, The

They provide routine health care provided by family medicine specialists, gynecologists, obstetricians, nurse practitioners, midwives, physicians' assistants or other health care providers who serve as the first point of contact with the health care system.

Services: Blood Tests, Community Wellness Programs, Depression Screening, General Medical Care, Pediatrics, Vision Screening

479 Houston Street

Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

(904) 531-9504

We Care Jacksonville Sulzbacher Health Center

A center that provides comprehensive medical assessment and treatment for any existing health issues.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry, General Medical Care, General Mental Health Screening

611 East Adams Street

Jacksonville, FL 32202

(904) 359-0457

Wekiva Springs Beaches Outpatient Center

Provides behavioral health and substance abuse treatment to individuals age 18 and over living in Jacksonville and the surrounding areas.

Services: Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units, Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services, General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders

1909 Beach Blvd

Suite 201

Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Viewing 211-220 of 230 results (listed by best match)
