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Audio Description Services
Taxonomy Code: PH-3500.0400
Programs that offer the services of individuals, often volunteers, who have been trained to provide audio descriptions of theatrical performances to increase the enjoyment of patrons who are blind or have visual impairments. The audio commentary, whether live or recorded, is relayed through an earphone by the describer who is situated in a soundproof area at the back or side of the stage. The narration conveys the settings, costumes, body language, and sight gags in a visual presentation or performance; and is inserted between portions of dialogue or song to help listeners understand important visual elements. Audio description may also be used by museums, planetariums, large-format theaters, docent-led or recorded exhibition tours, films, videos, arts performances and other theatrical productions. Audio described museum tours contain some of the same elements as an ordinary audio tour, but also include vivid, succinct descriptions of objects, and may prompt interaction with exhibit elements.