Vision USA


243 North Lindbergh Boulevard
Saint Louis, MO 63141

(800) 365-2219 x4200


Vision USA


Vision USA offers visual acuity tests for the purpose of identifying individuals who have an impaired ability to see that may require further examination. They provide free eye exams to qualified applicants, basic eye health and vision care services free of charge to the many uninsured, low-income families who have no other means of obtaining care.


Mon-Fri - 8:00am to 5:00pm

Intake Process:

Individuals must work with a charitable organization, social worker, case worker, community health agency to submit an application.
Applicants are to provide proof of household income for verification of income level eligibility.
Must complete an application worksheet, including monthly financial information for all members of the household.
Agency will verify that the financial information provided is accurate and that all eligibility requirements are met including income level.

Program Fees:

No fee for exam.


English and Spanish.


Have no private or government insurance, including Medicare or Medicaid.
Have income below the established level based on household size.
Have not had an eye exam within the past 24 months.
Must be a US citizen or legal resident with a social security or legal resident number.
Have not received a doctor referral through the VISION USA program in the last 2 years.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Legal Status:


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