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Reproductive Rights Legal Services
Taxonomy Code: FT-7900
Programs that provide information, education, advocacy and/or other forms of assistance for women as well as individuals who may identify as trans, non-binary or non-conforming who have questions about their legal rights when it comes to making arrangements for an abortion. Included are programs that provide a hotline or helpline which offers access to an advocate who can provide information about a self-managed abortion and how to make arrangements for one, young people's access to abortion without involving their parents, or a judicial bypass which involves asking a judge to give a person permission to get an abortion without involving a parent or legal guardian, as well as referrals to local resources. Other legal service programs may connect an individual with an attorney who is well versed in the area of abortion rights and can guide them through the steps they need to take to make the necessary arrangements. Although women have the right to abortion in some states depending on the state's constitution and the state legislatures that enforce them, access to an abortion is restricted in others; and people may be required to do something before their abortion, like get counseling from a healthcare provider, get an ultrasound, or wait a certain amount of time between their counseling and their abortion appointment.
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