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State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Taxonomy Code: NL-5000.8000
Programs that provide health insurance for people who do not qualify for Medicaid, do not have access to insurance provided by an employer or cannot afford privately purchased health insurance. Services covered by these programs vary by state but generally include hospitalization, physician services, emergency room visits, family planning, immunizations, laboratory and x-ray services, outpatient surgery, chiropractic care, prescriptions, eye exams, eye glasses and dental care. Other services may include alcohol and drug treatment, mental health services, medical and equipment and supplies and rehabilitative therapy. Eligibility requirements also vary. Included are state and/or local government health insurance programs which may be administered by the state or at the local level, and public/private partnerships between state and/or local government entities and health insurance companies or other private organizations. Health care is generally provided through participating managed care plans in the area.
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