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Aging/Long Term Care Facility Associations
Taxonomy Code: TN-0300
Organizations whose members are facilities that have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests and improving the quality, accessibility and affordability of senior/disability-related housing and long-term care through a program of advocacy, education, information and leadership. Members may include nonprofit and/or for-profit skilled nursing facilities, continuing care retirement communities, senior housing facilities, adult residential care homes, intermediate care facilities for people with developmental disabilities, assisted living facilities and/or other facilities that house and/or care for older adults, people with disabilities and other populations that need a supported living environment. Aging/long-term care facility associations promote activities that improve the health and independence of facility residents; promote coordination and collaboration among members; seek to influence state and national long-term care policy through active lobbying at state and federal levels; promote public understanding of long-term care issues; provide opportunities for ongoing professional development of staff through conferences and journals; prepare members for changes in long-term care financing and help members become effective advocates for their institutions and profession.
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