The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Occupational/Professional Associations
Aging/Long Term Care Facility Associations
Organizations whose members are facilities that have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests and improving the quality, accessibility and affordability of senior/disability-related housing and long-term care through a program of advocacy, education, information and leadership. Members may include nonprofit and/or for-profit skilled nursing facilities, continuing care retirement communities, senior housing facilities, adult residential care homes, intermediate care facilities for people with developmental disabilities, assisted living facilities and/or other facilities that house and/or care for older adults, people with disabilities and other populations that need a supported living environment. Aging/long-term care facility associations promote activities that improve the health and independence of facility residents; promote coordination and collaboration among members; seek to influence state and national long-term care policy through active lobbying at state and federal levels; promote public understanding of long-term care issues; provide opportunities for ongoing professional development of staff through conferences and journals; prepare members for changes in long-term care financing and help members become effective advocates for their institutions and profession.
Organizations whose members are business people, either operating their own companies or employed in organizations, who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting the general commercial interests of the community or the interests of their own trade.
Child Welfare/Family Services Associations
Organizations whose members are agencies and individual professionals concerned with the welfare of children, youth and their families who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for continuing professional development. Members may work in a particular field such as adoption, children's protective services, foster care or parenting; or may represent a broad range of systems that serve children, youth and their families. Many child welfare/family services associations set standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members; offer certification programs; maintain a job bank; provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information; promote high quality services through publications, training, consultation and other forms of support which strengthen member agencies and their staffs; and support a public policy agenda that promotes the well-being of the population they serve.
Organizations whose members are police officers, sheriffs, constables, marshals, probation officers, corrections workers, court-appointed special advocates, victim/witness advocates or other law enforcement professionals who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests; interacting with their peers; and participating in professional development activities such as law enforcement conferences, seminars and issues forums.
Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the disability field and have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Many disability associations also include individuals with disabilities and their families in their membership. Disability associations may also advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and their caregivers; promote legislation that funds research and services for this population; and provide information for members and the general public. Included are associations that focus on a specific disability such as autism or brain injuries; and those that address a broad range of disability issues.
Home Care/Hospice Associations
Organizations whose members are home health, hospice and personal care agencies that have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, increasing the visibility of home care services, disseminating information to members and the general public and improving the quality, accessibility and affordability of in-home and end of life care. Home health and hospice associations may provide opportunities for personal and professional development through conferences, publications and other activities; advocate for the rights of patients, their families and caregivers and people who are bereaved; maintain referral services through which people who require home health, personal care, palliative care or hospice services are referred to member agencies; and/or provide information about employment opportunities for people working in the field.
Organizations whose members are inpatient health care facilities that have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests and improving the quality, accessibility, affordability and continuity of health care services through a program of advocacy, education, research, information and leadership. Hospital associations promote activities that improve community health status; promote coordination and collaboration among members; seek to influence state and national health care policy through active lobbying at state and federal levels; promote public understanding of health care issues; provide opportunities for ongoing professional development of staff through conferences and learned journals; prepare members for changes in health care financing and help members become effective advocates for their institutions and profession.